Healing is necessary on a Soul, Mind, and Physical level (including your environment).
Sometimes, our mental, physical, and spiritual selves are not in sync. We go through thoughts, feelings, and emotions that we cannot understand or trace. The soul, having no language, communicates that something is wrong, and we need to take stock of what’s happening in our lives.
When something needs attention and is ignored, our soul gets our attention through nightmares or lucid dreams. If unheeded, the soul’s energy becomes disturbed, leading to blockages, which manifest as physical aches, unwanted behaviors (cravings or addictions), uncontrollable anger, or crying.
If ignored further, this leads to chronic illness or depression, which may result in a "Spiritual Awakening." If not managed properly, even this can bring more challenges.
Healing is essential for transforming pain into light and reaching your full potential. The process is not easy but think of the caterpillar transforming into a butterfly after enduring hardship.
Your inner work is your responsibility. There is no point in soul work if you return to your old habits afterward, attracting the same issues back into your life. This is where mind work comes in.
After working on your inner self, understanding your thought patterns, and remapping them, you can reshape how you perceive the world. You’ll build a positive self-image, feel confident, and grow into your power, allowing your dreams to find you instead of you chasing them.
Once you embark on your healing journey, your life will never be the same.