The Hero's Journey, through Tarot
In recent months, many of you have asked why I read Tarot.
I believe Tarot is a wonderful tool for self-discovery and development. This ancient system is built on a foundation of depth and awareness, offering opportunities to learn more about yourself with every card you draw. Referred to as the Book of Floating Pages, you have the power to open and explore whichever page you choose.
Tarot serves as a road map through life. We all are at different stages, experiencing various aspects and lessons in our own ways and at different times. We may start as “The Fool” but soon realize that we are the “Magician” of our lives, in control of our own path. Tarot helps guide us and discover our purpose.
As a self-discovery tool, Tarot helps untangle our thoughts and offers guidance on when to seek help, either within ourselves or from outside sources.
Some people view Tarot as evil, which I believe is a misconception. I use Tarot not to predict the future, but as a roadmap to gain insight into our lives.
Tarot and Your (Hero’s) Journey
When you pick up a Tarot deck, it takes you on a journey through your life, showing you the opportunities and possibilities available to you. If you’re not familiar with Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces and the age-old myth of The Hero’s Journey, Tarot is a great way to connect with your personal Hero’s Journey.
The Hero’s Journey is about growing from ignorance to enlightenment through various stages of development, both individually and collectively. Each stage is depicted by a particular Archetype (abstract forms, patterns of emotion, or behaviors that underpin our unconscious and represent recognizable reactions across cultures).
Like Tarot, The Hero’s Journey is all about growth. We grow either naturally (like learning to walk or talk) or deliberately (through self-awareness). This growth requires effort and courage—a true hero’s journey.
The Hero’s Journey is divided into various stages, each represented by one of the Major Arcana cards in the Tarot. You can experience the journey at any point in your life, and it may be undertaken multiple times. As you circle round and round, gradually awakening and growing in self-awareness, you move towards maturity and enlightenment. Tarot is a tool to help guide you on this path.
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